*This post is a reblog from my old business blog – The Soupery
Did you know broccoli is a negative calorie vegetable? It takes more energy for your body to digest broccoli than the calories it contains. In other words, just by eating broccoli you can burn calories without doing any exercise!!

Not only that, broccoli contains some great cancer-fighting properties, helps metabolize oestrogen and is loaded with Vitamin C and beta-carotene which helps your eyes. Eating just one serving of broccoli (about 91 grams) daily for two months protects against a common stomach bug that is linked to gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.
It’s super easy to cook as well. If I’m lazy after a gym workout, I’ll just pop some broccoli in a pot, blanch with boiling water for about 5 minutes until it turns a rich green. Empty the water, dress the broccoli with sesame oil and some fried onions. Done! Team this up with some grilled salmon and you have a proper, delicious and nutritious meal under 10 minutes!
When it comes to vegetables, it’s normally recommended we get 5 servings daily for optimum nutrition. So next time you’re buying groceries and after some inspiration, stop by the broccoli section.