don't touch my baby

When Lauren was a newborn, I used to get a kick out of every time someone said she is cute and adorable. After a while, it wears off on me and I figured that is just something people think they should be saying, even when the baby is NOT cute. Let’s face it, most newborns look like Yoda from Star Wars.

Lauren still gets compliments from strangers today. And what supposed to be a pleasant experience has turned into my biggest pet peeve. Complete strangers on the train, on the street, and just about anywhere you can imagine (think: public toilet, the wet market) love to pinch her cheeks when they coo over her. This happened not once or twice but often enough that I had consider putting a sign on the stroller that says ‘DO NOT TOUCH HER”. I suspect her cheeks used to have rashes all the time due to dirty hands touching them.

I’m sorry if I offend anyone in this post. But think twice before you reach out to touch another’s person’s child. Ask for permission. How would you like it if I say you are pretty and start touching your face?